Frequently Asked Questions

  • General Questions

    • How much do you charge?

      We only charge $19.95 for your Last Will. We include a Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will free of charge in our package.

    • Are your documents legal?

      We used an attorney to draft our documents. However, we are not a law firm and do not provide legal representation. If you have issues regarding the legality of a document please consult a qualified attorney. If you are not 100% satisfied with our document, we will refund your purchase price.

    • How do I download the documents after I purchase them?

      Once you have made your purchase, log into your account by clicking the "customer login" button at the upper right corner of the page. Once you have logged in, click the "Download documents" link at the upper right corner of the page. You will then see a list of your available document. Click each of the links and download the document and the accompanying instructions.

  • Last Will and Testament (also known as a Will)

    • What is a Will?

      A Will is a document containing instructions and wishes as to how your property and assets are to be distributed after your death.

    • What happens if you die without a Will?

      If you die without making a Will, then the court rules on how things are done, how your property is distributed, and who the beneficiaries would be. Normally, your property would first be divided amongst your spouse and children. If you have neither, it would go to your next of kin.

    • What makes a Will legal?

      A legal Will is a Will that is accepted by the court on how your assets are dealt with.

      A valid Will must have the following features:

      • Soundness of mind: The person signing the Will cannot be mentally ill or disabled and must be acting of his or her own free will.
      • Witnesses: As least two people (three in some states) must watch you sign the Will. These witnesses cannot be related to you and cannot be a beneficiary in your Will.
      • Signature: It must be signed with your signature at the end of the document.
      • Document: It must be handwritten, typed or printed.
    • Do I have to file my Will with the court?

      No, you do not have to file your Will with the court. Upon your death, the Will must be filed.

    • What should I do with my Will after I sign it?

      After you sign your Will, you should store it in a safe place and notify your executors, the person in charge of executing your wishes, of its location.

    • Is my state supported?

      We can create Wills for all states except Louisiana.

    • What is probate?

      Probate is legal process of handling the estate of a deceased person by resolving all claims and distributing the deceased person's assets under a valid Will. When no valid Will exists, the distribution of the assets falls under the jurisdiction of State Law. The steps of probate include:

      • Validating the authenticity of the Will
      • Appointing an executor to execute the wishes of the deceased
      • Appraising the property.
      • Paying off debts
      • Distributing the property according to the Will
    • If I have a Will, how do I revoke it?

      Destroy your previous Will. Print a new copy of your Will and then sign and date it. Your new Will will have a clause that revokes all previous Wills.

    • How often should I update my Will?

      It is important to keep your Will up to date. Whenever you have a major change in your life (i.e get married, have kids, move, or gain substantial property) you should update your Will to reflect your new circumstance.

    • What is a residuary estate?

      The residuary estate is all that remains after gifts have been distributed and all debts, taxes, and administrative fees have been paid. Your residuary estate is then distributed based on your wishes.

    • If I am married, do my spouse and myself each need to create a Will?

      You can create a "Joint Will" when you are married, but we do not support creating one. The reason most individuals do not create a Joint Will is because it requires that both individuals die before it goes into effect. Instead, it is recommended that each person create a seperate Will that mirrors the other spouses Will.

    • What is a guardian?

      You can elect to have a guardian for your minor children. The guardian will get legal custody of your minor children and be responsible for raising them.

    • Why is a trust for minor children important?

      Minors cannot legally inherit and own property without supervision beyond a minimal amount. It is important to set up a trust for your minor children to safe guard their inheritance. You can elect a trustee to manage their inheritance until a particular age, which you can designate, to distribute their inheritance.

  • Living Will (Advanced Health Care Directive)

    • What is a Living Will?

      A Living Will contains instructions given by individuals stating what actions should be taken for their health in the event that they are no longer capable to make decisions due to illness or incapacity.

    • What is the difference between a Last Will and Living Will?

      A Last Will and Testament, commonly referred to as a Will, allows you to determine who will receive your estate upon your death. Other things your Will may include are:

      • Naming person(s) to execute your wishes
      • Choosing guardians for your minor children
      • Creating a trust for your minor children.
      • Naming a caretaker for your pets
      • Specifying your funeral wishes

      A Living Will, also known as a Health Care Directive, allows you to declare what actions should be taken for your health in the event that you are no longer capable to make decisions due to illness or incapacity.

    • Does a Living Will need to be notarized?

      The majority of states do not require a Living Will to be notarized. North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee are the only states that require a Living Will to be notarized.

    • Which states are supported?

      You can use our system to create a Living Will in all 50 states.

    • What do you charge for a Living Will?

      When you buy a Will, the Living Will is included in your package.

    • Who can create a Living Will?

      You must be at least 18 years of age and of sound mind.

  • Medical Power of Attorney

    • What is a Medical Power of Attorney?

      A medical power of attorney allows you to appoint another individual to make decisions on your behalf when you are incapacitated.

    • How much does a Medical Power of Attorney cost?

      Other sites can charge up to $20 for your medical power of attorney. We include one with each of our Wills.

    • Can I make changes to my Medical Power of Attorney?

      Our system allows you to edit your documents even after purchase. You can come back and modify your Medical Power of Attorney if your circumstances change.

    • Who can be an agent for my Medical Power of Attorney?

      Your agent must be over 18 years of age and mentally sound.